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About Us

Split Tea is a premium tea company whose mission is to help people get the most out of their tea. The perforated tea bag allows the drinker to efficiently get two quality cups of tea from a single tea bag. 

Our Story

          The very first time I made myself a cup of Tea, I realized there was enough tea in the tea bag to get two cups from one tea bag. But I thought to myself: I'm just an average guy, someone will figure it out. Over 10 years later! I'm making my myself a cup of tea, on a busy day, and I'm down to my last tea bag so I think to myself "if only I can make that last bag last longer". Then my nephew, who never asks for tea, asks me for a cup of tea! I'm super behind and I don't have time to try and make equal parts tea from a tea bag and I say to myself "If only I could just rip this bag down the middle and make two equal teas! It's been over 10 years, how has no one solved this problem!? Wait.. Why don't I just do that? Make a tea bag that can be ripped down the middle. Perhaps no one has done it because it's up to me to do it!"

 And that's how Split Tea was born!

 That same day, I was at my friends house having a cup of tea and she goes to add more water to her tea. I ask her: Oh wow you finished your tea already? To which she replies: No, it's just too strong so I'm going to add more water to it. That's when I noticed, not only can you get two cups from a single tea bag but it's also a quality issue, making the perfect cup of tea. 

I set out to research and test the right amount of tea per 8 ounce serving (the average cup size) and what makes the perfect cup of tea. We use premium whole leaf tea and we've also made sure out tea filter paper is of the best quality for you and the Earth. Our teabag filter materials are composed of a select blend of fibers, including high-quality abaca and cellulose. Their innovative web structure quickly releases tea aroma, color and flavor while retaining fine tea particles. Making it good and safe for you and the planet. 

So try my tea and let me know what you think!

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